
Soujuk Cheese Roll

The main product used in this recipe is



  • Recipes
  • Difficulty

  • Prep time
    25 minutes

  • Cook time
    10 minutes

  • • 80g Switch Soujuk
  • • 20ml vegetable oil
  • • 10g jalapeno pickles, finely chopped
  • • 2g fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • • 40g shredded cheddar cheese
  • • 40g shredded mozzarella cheese
  • • 8 sheets of spring roll pastry
  • • 10g white flour + 30ml water (to seal the pastry)


  • 01/

    In the skillet add the oil and heat on medium fire.

  • 02/

    Add the Switch Soujuk and sauté for 5 minutes.

  • 03/

    Turn off the heat and keep the Switch Soujuk aside to cool.

  • 04/

    Remove the casing of Switch Soujuk and cut it into small cubes.

  • 05/

    In a mixing bowl, add all the ingredients together with the Switch Soujuk and mix well.

  • 06/

    Add 20g of the stuffing in the middle of the pastry sheet.

  • 07/

    Close the two edges and roll properly.

  • 08/

    Seal it with a mix of the flour and water batter.

  • 09/

    Fry in oil at 180°C until golden.

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